
Get to Know My Work | Portafolio’s General Intro

Zombie Smasher the War:

This is a FULL GAME 3D endless runner in which players control a tank and have to avoid hitting the obstacles as they smash zombies. This game presented quite a few challenges as I programmed it and implemented the following mechanics:

  • Collision system with obstacles and enemies. 
  • Gameplay UI, Pause Screen, Main Manu.
  • Settings screens.
  • Shop screen.
  • Spawn Manager.
  • Object pooling (Performance optimization).
  • Unity Ads System.
  • Particle System and Sound Effects.
Video: Zombie Smasher The War!

Prototype 3:

This is a fast-paced endless side-scrolling runner game where the player needs to time jumps over oncoming obstacles to avoid crashing.

In the process of creating this game, I also learned how to add music and sound effects, how to create dynamic endless repeating backgrounds, which are critical for any side-scrolling games. Finally, I learned to incorporate particle effects like splatters and explosions, which make games so much more satisfying to play.

Video: Prototype 3

Prototype 4:

This is an arcade-style Sumo battle with the objective of knocking waves of enemies off of a floating island, using power ups to help defeat them.

This game presented two new challenges for me when I attempted to implement some new gameplay mechanics: on one hand, how to program a powerup, which gives the player a temporary advantage. On the other hand, how to program increasingly difficult enemy waves, which make survival more challenging for the player. A good balance of powerups and increasing difficulty make for a much more interesting gameplay experience.

Video: Prototype 4

Prototype 5:

I programmed a game to test the player’s reflexes, where the goal is to hold and drag your mouse as you
destroy objects randomly tossed in the air before they can fall off the screen. The main goal for this
project was to implement a User Interface or UI.

I added a title screen with a difficulty select menu that controls how challenging the gameplay is, I also added a score display that tracks how many points the
player has earned, and finally a Game Over screen, which allows the player to restart and try again. I was
able to create a fully “playable” experience that the user can enjoy from start to finish without having to
restart the application to try it again.

Video: Prototype 5

Litioman Studio | Francisco Nazar | litioman5@gmail.com

Junior Unity Developer

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